Denim Day
The Denim Day campaign began in 1999 with Peace Over Violence, as part of an international protest of an Italian Supreme Court decision to overturn a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The Italian Supreme Court dismissed charges against a 45-year old rape suspect because his 18-year-old victim was wearing jeans at the time of the attack. The Head Judge argued, "Because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them... and by removing the jeans... it was no longer rape but consensual sex." The judgment sparked a worldwide outcry from those who understand coercion, threats and violence go along with the act of rape. Each year we host Denim Day to honor this survivor and all survivors who have experienced victim-blaming. Denim Day is a symbol of protest against misconceptions that surround sexual assault. 

How to show your support

Denim Day is an outward example of how a community can help change people's perceptions of violence against members of the community. Please support us by: (1) Wearing denim on Denim Day on April 27, 2022, and participate in the Denim Day Contest, (2) Tagging UCI CARE on social media and use the #UCIDenimDay, and (3) Talking about the court case and other harmful myths that exist about sexual assault.

Together, let's be in community with those who have been impacted by violence and advocate for a safer world.

Please contact CARE at 949-824-7273 if you have any additional questions or would like more information on this or future programs.
